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LucaVagniluca, 43 years old, anthropologist and documentarist. Since 1988 he has travelled extensively through Africa and Asia,  producing documentaries ,photographic and  travel articles . In 1996 he participated in a 9 month research project on Shamanism in the Himalayan area of Nepal. In 1998  together with his wife  he founded 91PARALLELO,  an association specialised in documentaries and research.  Sociable and determined, loves ,keeping moving, mountains and  the simple things in life. Hates ..not keeping moving the seaside and the complicated things in life.

Lusira, 4 years old ,started her life in Angola in the warmth of her  mothers womb . Experienced little traveller, participant  on 2 long trips in 2008 and 2009 through Tunisia, Algeria, and Libia. Sociable, sensitive  and curious , expert dune climber,loves more than anything her teddy, camels, drawing, picking flowers,  and her friend Carlo.

Sameena Hassan, 43 years old, archeologist and documentarist . Born in England from German mother and Pakistani father. After her studies at Manchester University, she moved to Italy in 1992  where she met her husband Luca.  A founding member of 91 PARALLELO, she has been occupied mostly with the filming and editing of the documentaries produced.  Loves, open fires,coffee in bed and (repetitive, but true) the simple life …Hates telephones, beurocracy and dealing with money.

Giulio, 2 years old, still fresh in this world, big hands and promising smile. Had his first birthday in a sandstorm in the Libyan desert. Loves more than anything the  brumm-brumm of the truck, his wooden bicycle, eating anything  and doing  ‘things he shouldn’t do’

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54 responses

  1. Eliseo Falcone

    Ciao Luca, grazie per il vostro tempo passato a Dous. Non abbiamo avuto problemi a rientrare in Italia con il nostro Hymer S800.
    Mia moglie Cristina ed io ci siamo messi subito in moto per cercare un mezzo 4 WD. Ho contattato il venditore di Teramo il sig. LORETO BARTOLOMEI zona artigianale
    64047 Montorio al Vomano (TE), domani lo incontrerò ma abbiamo contattato anche il sig. DIEGO BIANCIOTTO della http://www.bianciottosnc.it di Pinerolo (ha una marea di mezzi e pezzi di ricambio).
    Mi sto muovendo anche per un mezzo Unimog.

    Il problema più grande sembra l’omologazione a Camper di un mezzo piuttosto datato. Tu come hai fatto?
    Bello il vostro sito web aziendale.
    Se hai qualche impiccio e posso fare qualcosa per voi non esitare a chiamarmi o a scrivermi.
    cell. 3355280813
    In culo alla balena
    Eliseo Falcone
    Francavilla al Mare CH

    21/12/2010 at 7:40 pm

    • Steve&Michele

      Wishing you well on your trip. Assume by now you have left? Fantastic pictures. What a good looking family!Take care, have a very Happy Christmas and Skype us when you can.
      Love S&M.

      22/12/2010 at 8:42 pm

  2. giuseppe

    Ciao Luca Ciao Saamena, noi siamo rientrati adesso, mi dispiace che non ci siamo potuti incontrare ci sarebbe piaciuto passare almeno un giorno insieme. Vi faccio tanti Auguri di Buon Anno e Buon viaggio. Non potendo fare il viaggio con voi vi seguirò nei vs spostamenti. Ma nel tuo sito inserirai un commento generale dei vari spostamenti? Di nuovo Tanti Auguri a presto

    07/01/2011 at 6:36 pm

  3. xulu

    hi ,
    this is xulu! papa is really worried . he wanted to know if u are at safe place? i know u guys are coming back … just wanted to convey that papa wants u guys to be safe and out of the war area

    love to kids

    22/02/2011 at 8:11 pm

  4. Francesco

    Un saluto!!

    26/02/2011 at 3:30 pm

  5. matteo

    Ciao famigliola,
    gia il fatto che non siete diretti in Giappone è un sollievo almeno si sono sopite le indiscriminazioni negativi sulle vostre meta e il loro destino.
    Vi seguo con speranza per voi e un po di invidia per me.
    Spero che il viaggio vada bene e che la raccolta differenziata di Giulio sotto il camion si sia interrotta (per il momento).
    Fatemi sapere tenetemi informato così posso vedere parzialmente il mondo con i vostri occhi sentirne i profumi e percepirne i colori.
    Non vi faccio nessun altro augurio anzi concluderei chiedendovi di pensare ogni tanto a noi rimasti qua, imprigionati e assuefatti dalla quotidianità indotte dalle nostre abitudini consumistiche.
    Vi penso con le dita e con il cuore.
    Buon viaggio.

    15/03/2011 at 9:00 pm

  6. guido alemagni pimpinelli

    siate prudenti, con affetto guido e claudia

    20/03/2011 at 5:39 pm

  7. giusi

    Ciao Samina, che bello poter tessere questo filo sottile…dove siete,come state? Vi penso spesso ed ogni volta mi si spalanca una finestra dentro ed entra aria frizzante…di qui c’è poco da raccontare…l’inglese è nel cassetto, in compenso sto aprendo sempre più spazio al mio sogno e mi sembra che gli orizzonti pian piano si allargano.Buon viaggio, vi seguirò ogni tanto su questo tappeto volante!

    09/05/2011 at 1:49 am

  8. Jennifer Guglielmo

    Sameena! I just came across your blog….. The other day I found an old photo from that night in Perugia — you know, the bottle of wine, Fontana Maggiore, Bob Marley night. Made me wonder how you are and voila! of course you’re traveling the world! I’d love to be in touch. Un abbraccio, Jennifer

    17/07/2011 at 3:54 am

  9. A wink from Asia. Same passion, and even the joy of living passion for travel in a quatro ruote Renault.

    All the best.
    Marc and Helene

    21/07/2011 at 5:07 am

  10. Hey guys,
    Hope you’re all well and enjoying the trip.
    After we met on that hot day in Dongola, we carried on north driving through what was an extremely beautiful part of the Nubian desert. We made it to this mysterious place known as “Argueen” a border post that was a big pile of rubbish considering only 3 people are living there. We were, as we suspected, turned back: The Egyptians seemed happy to let us through, saying that the problem are the Sudanese, the Sudanese would seem happy to let us through but said the problem would be the Egyptians, etc… After a couple of hours of trying and trying to negotiate, we gave up and turned around. This was really disappointing considering we were staring at a perfectly straight ribbon of asphalt on the other side of the border that would have lead us 80kms to Abu Simbel. Anyway, turning back, we were mystified to come across a camp full of Egyptians in the middle of the desert about 20kms south of the border. Turns out they are starting to build a road from Dongola to Abu Simbel but even them had to use the ferry from Wadi Halfa to go back home and get supplies. For this they have there own little barge that could fit a couple of cars that crosses the southern edge of lake Nasser. They were kind enough to invite us to put our cars on for free and took us to Wadi Halfa. I don’t think I need to go into any detail about the circus that was Wadi Halfa to Asswan, as I presume you know it!
    Thanks a lot for the tip you gave us about the route from Al-Qsar to the White desert. It wasn’t easy but we got the two overloaded and underpowered ancient Nissan and Land Rover up that sand dune and then admired the scenery for mile after mile. It was great.
    Thanks again!
    Hope you have managed to sort out some of your computing problems and all the very best for the rest of your trip!
    Lots of love,
    Andrew & Kristina

    27/07/2011 at 10:04 am

    • Hi happy to knnow that you enjoied yor trip trough sudan and Egipt…..keep in touch and hope to see you again ciao luca


      28/07/2011 at 5:43 pm

  11. nice to meet you here in Ethiopia,Meqelle. Chaw Girmay

    04/08/2011 at 3:07 pm

    • Hello both of you…we are now in Djibuti and have finally put together a little video with some of our images of ethiopia….see if you recognise the hands….Still remember the nice few days we spent together. Keep in touch sameena luca lusira and giulio

      10/10/2011 at 1:43 pm

  12. angelo

    hi jusalulu, just heard from karleni that you arrived safe in mumbai!!
    happy to hear that – now just relax and enjoy the scenery there……….
    as soon as you get some local sim-cards let us know!!
    big kiss to all of you

    07/11/2011 at 12:30 pm

  13. Shraddha

    Hi there, was a really nice meeting of ur family in Assagao , even when its only Goa, love and warmth was felt

    29/11/2011 at 5:57 pm

  14. Hi Guys,

    We have just set up overlandsphere.com, and were wondering if we could add your RSS feed to the site,

    The site is designed to be a research tool for overlanders archiving past and current blogs. We hope it will become a great resource for overlanders going forward,

    If you have time have at look at OverlandSphere.com, if you’re happy for us to add you just let us know

    Safe travels

    Martin & Nicole

    06/02/2012 at 1:00 am

  15. Michal

    Hi Luca,
    thanks for tea and invitation into your home on wheels.

    Re. Indian 3 days transit..
    Our total days spent in India was 4. Crossed Sunauli Monday morning, filled Indian form and got stamp without any further questions. Passed immigrations on Mumbai airport on Thursday just before midnight, got stamps without any questions.

    Will follow your site. Safe journey in Pakistan.


    04/03/2012 at 10:04 am

  16. Clarence Harrison

    We enjoy your travel stories and love your videos. What kind of video camera are you using? Safe travels! Isabel and Clarence

    21/06/2012 at 4:24 pm

  17. Nikos

    Ciao Luca Sameena Lusira e Giulio ben tornati a casa come promesso il mio indirizzo email – nicoszois@gmail.com – Skype – nikoszo, spero di risentirci e rivederci presto.

    Un grande abbraccio

    11/07/2012 at 5:13 pm

  18. Hi Luca and Sameena!
    I really love your journay and videos. In Czech republic we organize film festival Expediční kamera (Expedition Camera) that takes place in several cities on February/MArch 2014. For more information see http://www.expedicnikamera.cz (sorry, in Czech only).
    The festival is non-profit event and with the proceeds we support various expeditions (like first-ever skiing from the top of Dhaulagiri in Nepal or winter trans-Siberia trips).
    Are you planning to make movie or short document about your journey. If yes I am interested to show it in your festival.
    Thank you for your answer.

    27/05/2013 at 5:44 pm

    • Hello Katerina, Yes we are at the moment editing a film -documentary. I don’t know the entry date or length you require the film to be…….don’t know any Czech so maybe you can tell me. Let me know, thanks Sameena (www.jusalulu.com)

      29/05/2013 at 5:26 pm

  19. xulaikha

    What a phenomenal teaser ! Very well edited. Love it !

    17/05/2014 at 7:11 am

  20. Bellet jean

    Nous avions rendez-vous avec Bernard Guigon chez vous, mais impossible de le contacter. Nous sommes à Perugia. Voici notre No de téléphone : 06 27 81 23 95

    06/07/2014 at 3:09 pm

  21. giovanni

    Ciao giramondo! Ma che fine avete fatto? Vi ho rivisto in un documentario del 2010 che Rai 5 ha trasmesso a fine aprile (Egitto, Etiopia e Sira mi pare!) Un saluto a tutta la famigliola

    06/05/2015 at 2:24 pm

  22. Claudio Zecchinelli

    Ciao famiglia, ci siamo incontrati a Rimini in occasione dell’home schooling ed è stato bellissimo conoscervi e i bambini si sono divertiti tanto a giocare tutti insieme Alessio è rimasto affascinato dal vostro camion e ora ne sogna uno con la vasca idromassaggio.
    Spero riusciamo ad incontrarci di nuovo a Tuscania, da voi oppure in giro da qualche parte visto quanto è piccolo il mondo.
    Un abbraccio da Claudio, Emanuela e Alessio.

    04/07/2015 at 9:51 am

    • Grazie per le belle parole, anche a noi ha fatto piacere.Il mondo è piccolo è vero, e le occasioni si presentano sempre.Spero che il passo verso Homeschooling è diventata più facile dopo il meeting…se passate in Umbria senzaltro fateci un squillo. I sogni sono sempre importanti, avete un figlio tanto solare, mi ha fatto piacere conoscerlo. Sameena, Luca Giulio e Lusira

      Il giorno 4 luglio 2015 09:51, jusalulu ha scritto:


      04/07/2015 at 10:10 am

  23. hello, you wrote me a message on the HUBB, we are that family of 5 planning to cross China in september 2016. I don’t find the possibility to mail you, but please contact me. I went through your blog more then a year ago looking for inspiration for our journey, and i remember being impressed by the images, the stories, … and so here we are now! Looking forward to get in touch with you! Tine

    06/12/2015 at 9:41 pm

  24. Michele

    Ciao Luca, ho avuto l’onore di incontrarti alla nuovatibercar da Giancarlo a ponte san Giovanni.
    E stupendo quello che fai, tanta fortuna!!!

    12/03/2016 at 6:01 pm

  25. Fabrizio

    Ho appena finito di vedere tutti gli episodi fuori rotta verso oriente, grande coraggio, bellissimo, il vostro viaggio mi ha veramente emozionato. Un abbraccio.

    02/12/2016 at 11:47 pm

    • Grazie….i commenti come i tuoi ci spingono a continuare…..grazie Luca &Co

      Sent from my iPhone


      04/12/2016 at 11:39 am

  26. Dear Friends.
    wish you merry christmas and very happy nee year to you and your family.

    safdar karim

    02/01/2017 at 6:32 pm

  27. rebeccayeo2

    Dear Sameena, not sure if my message worked just now. I lost your email address, can you send again. Rebecca xx

    20/06/2017 at 7:32 am

  28. Donald Watson

    Greetings from Bangkok! I really have enjoyed watching your “Breaking Loose” series. You both have great talent and courage. I hope you do another series soon. Best of luck.

    03/07/2017 at 7:50 am

    • Thank you… hope to be making a new doc. in the next year.
      Cheers Luca

      03/07/2017 at 3:33 pm

  29. Teresa

    Only this raining Morning drinking my First coffee I sow on Rai5 your Travel n 2011 (you really arrivederci to Pakistan? Doc stopped before , you’re moving to Siria) Only naming Siria I’m very sad, houw it was wonderful to go everywhere (ok not everywhere without any difficulties but now it’s impossible) and now, all’ this destruction and death. Thanks for sharing your great experience. Ciao. Teresa dreaming a woirld without Borders and walls.

    02/09/2017 at 8:30 am

    • camiuc

      Hello Teresa…yes we too very much miss the days when one could travel without plans, when there were times of relative peace.. but not all is as portrayed on t.v. I certainly wouldn’t take my kids to Syria or Libya now, but Egypt, Tunisia, and Algeria yes. These countries live on tourism and we can somehow help by going back. Anyway thank you for your interest and glad you enjoyed…the episode you saw is part of a series and you can follow the rest of our journey in the next weeks….yes we did reach pakistan, but not in the way we planned. ..Buona visione.

      06/09/2017 at 10:20 am

  30. Claudio

    Ciao…oggi ho visto il documentario del vostro viaggio verso il Pakistan (2011) fino a quando avete dovuto cambiare itinerario poiché the border with Iran were closed then your forced to go trough Siria…il che oggi suona veramente strano poiché sono cambiate tante cose…sono curioso dinseguire la vostra avventura verso il Pakistan..ciao e buon viaggio.

    02/09/2017 at 2:37 pm

    • Ciao Claudio, si l’itinerario è molto stravagante, siamo arrivati in modo molto contorto alla nostra meta, e la vera sorpresa è avvenuto a fine viaggio! Buona visione

      06/09/2017 at 10:31 am

  31. Roberta

    Vedere il vs viaggio in egitto mi ha fatto rivivere le emozioni che ho vissuto lavorando in quel meraviglioso paese.un sogno poter far crescere mio nipote come I vs figli..ma,appunto,e’ un nipote e non mio figlio.cerco,comunque,di alimentare la sua curiosita’ senza computer/tv/cellulare a mio parere troppo usata da suo padre e mia sorella (sua madre).cosi’ uno dei miei primi regali e’ stato un week end a barcellona.spero di replicare presto😉

    04/09/2017 at 2:12 pm

    • Sono contenta che qualcuno si emoziona,i bambini di oggi hanno molto bisogno del nostro tempo, penso che un viaggio con la nonna è un regalo bellissimo!

      06/09/2017 at 10:26 am

  32. Nagandran

    Your children are beautiful. That was a brave journey you took.

    06/09/2017 at 4:39 am

    • Thank you, yes it was a hard but satisfying journey, but i often think it is much harder to stay at home in an apartment in a city and bring up your kids with all that this entails…this needs courage!!

      06/09/2017 at 10:24 am

  33. Nagandran

    I srtrictly told my wife and kids at home not to delete the Breaking Loose series I recorded. There is no accurate words for to describe what I saw: You and your family took a hard but a revelatory journey. There is greatness in simplicity. Your children were completely unknowing and innocent to the hardship and danger of the journey.

    You said you were satisfied by your journey; I believe your children did too. A lesson of truth in hardship and poverty. There is beauty in hardship and poverty; and you all are fully clothed in it. This is true beauty.

    When I come home from work, I immediate open my set to watch your series with my hand on lunch. Thank you so much.

    08/09/2017 at 2:17 am

  34. patrizia

    Salve, ho visto su Rai 5 le repliche del vostro viaggio dal Packistan. Sono rimasta affascinata dal racconto e dalle immagini che ho visto (andrò a rivedere le puntate precedenti) e dal modo di vivere il viaggio non come turisti ma con lo spirito della semplicità, della curiosità e della condivisione apetti che mi rispecchiano moltissimo.
    Anche il modo con cui avete fatto vivere questa esperienza ai vostri bellissimi figli e come abbiano potuto fortunatamente conoscere ed imparare con naturalezza un sacco di cose adattandosi ad ogni evenienza. Mi vien da ridere(piangere) se penso a come siano condizionati da un sacco di pregiudizi e consumismo i miei ragazzi (insegno nelle scuole medie) e a quante opportunità si perdono anche senza affrontare un viaggio come il vostro.
    Sono molto interessata a ciò che fate e mi piacerebbe sapere dove potervi incontrare per sapere che programmi state seguendo o confrontarmi o semplicemente chiaccherare con voi.
    Piacere di avervi trovato!

    10/09/2017 at 2:41 pm

  35. ikram

    im very impressed & amazed about your trip crossing towards europe, africa & asia. hope to hear your trip again in another parts of the world!! ciao from Malaysia 😁😁😁

    11/11/2017 at 1:22 pm

  36. King

    Dear Luca and Sameena, I am so impressed and inspired by your family journey in Breaking Loose. Your production, especially your narrated “story” is what resonant in me . Maybe one Day our family of five may embark on such a similar journey that tell of our own story.

    Kind regards,
    Chiew Kwang from Singapore

    04/12/2017 at 9:24 am


    Salut, nous sommes le Convoi d Anges Heureux.
    En balade en Toscane j ai penser peut etre faire une visite vers vous si vous etes en Italie.
    Nous avons un mini bus rouge, venons de Suisse.Sommes à Siena et espérons prendre un ferries lundi pour la Croatie.
    Nous vous avons renvontrer au rassemblement en mai .
    Mon numero whatsap 0041792976720
    Etelvina Engel

    17/10/2018 at 8:57 pm

  38. Paolo Magnani

    Ho rivisto le prime due puntate di “fuori rotta – verso oriente” (le avevo registrare da Rai 5 lo scorso anno) : veramente belle, siete persone positive, da voi una buona energia. Vorrei rivedere le due puntate mentre siete in India. Siccome non dispongo di un computer con la ADSL, vi chiedo se è possibile scaricarle e da quale sito.
    Grazie. Paolo Magnani – Santarcangelo (RN)

    04/12/2018 at 2:22 pm

  39. Vincent T Christoph

    Fantastique journey and well documented. Wish I can do half of what you all does. Wish you’ll the best and hope to follow your story(ies).

    God bless

    01/05/2019 at 5:15 pm

    • Hello thanks for the nice words….Just a curiosity, have you by chance seen our documentary series on tv or have you just read the blog?
      God Bless to you too

      04/05/2019 at 9:22 pm

  40. Hsinyi

    I have watched your documentary last year on TV in my country. (Taiwan) It was fascinating and took me on a journey I’ll probably never have chances to be on. I’d love to watch all episodes again but could not find it anywhere. I’m in Berlin now. Hope your family are doing well during the unstable time!

    07/10/2020 at 3:12 pm

    • camiuc

      Hello, i’m happy you enjoyed the series. If you wish to see it again actually we have just made it available on vimeo on demand. You can find the link on the main page of our blog or if its not working, try this link directly https://vimeo.com/ondemand/breakingloose/417268633
      We are presently in the south of Italy discovering the hidden corners of our own country seeing as travelling has become difficult and unpredictable for the moment. We are all well, and actually the news often blows up the situation making it seem more dramatic than it actually is….I hope you enjoy your time in Berlin

      07/10/2020 at 4:45 pm

    • I you can actually get all the episodes or some on vimeo…..link is up on the page. ciao

      30/10/2020 at 11:06 am

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