2010 Italy


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The time to leave draws closer.. two more weeks and we will catch the boat from Civitavecchia to Tunisi. As usual we aren’t at all ready and have hundreds of little things to tie up before our departure date. Little scribbled list of tasks to do and unrelated objects to load into the truck can be found scattered everywhere, and the night is often punctuated by moments of ….” oh god, we must remember to…”  The never ending meals and goodbyes, though enjoyable, increase  to our  morning headaches , where wine mixes with stress.

…It will be a relief to leave, and not be able to prepare anything any more. Once you are 30 km from home and done with your last minute frenzy, you realise anyway that a lot of things you ‘need’ can be done without.. and actually that’s in part what the trips is all about. Leaving is always a little  like waking up, your muscles slowly realax and you can finally lift your head out of the fog and see what was always there in the first place…

So just a few pictures stolen in the few unoccupied moments to immortalise this phase of the journey  (picking  olives has traditionally become our last task before leaving (…yes as ‘true’ Italians we take our oil, parmesan and coffee from home)